Structured & Project Finance

Financing solutions for your multi-sector projects.


QNB actively sources primary and select secondary syndicated loan participation opportunities from banks. Our focus is to take large participations/underwritings in strategic transactions and more modest participations in non-relationship corporate syndications.
Our role involves acting as Mandated Lead Arranger, Book Runner, Agent, etc. in both conventional and/or Islamic large transactions across different sectors, including:
  • Oil & gas, petrochemicals, metals, pipelines
  • Telecom
  • Power, water & utilities
  • Industries, infrastructure, cement, real estate
  • Airlines, shipping
  • Financial institutions
  • Services
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Others

Structured Finance

QNB delivers innovative structured finance solutions to meet customers’ complex financial requirements. These include, but are not limited to, export credit agency financing, securitization and asset-backed financing.
We cover both conventional and Islamic facilities in markets where QNB has presence, as well as selectively in other key markets.

Project Finance

QNB plays a significant role in the development of structured and project financing in Qatar and across the Arab world. The Bank’s focus on this type of business has increased, as we have acquired unprecedented expertise in this area.
We have developed an active involvement in lending to project and structured finance transactions at all levels and covering a variety of sectors, including power, oil & gas, petrochemicals, infrastructure, telecommunications and utilities.

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